I have been feeling sorry for myself today. I have wanted to write some profound thing that in essence wraps up all of the emotions and thoughts that make up who I am at this moment in time, and then I thought to myself. "Why does it matter? No one will read it." and so for a very short moment I contemplated not writing. In the short time it took for one breath to escape my lips I had let my desire to be seen and heard over step my need to express who I am, whether or not someone else reads this.
For me, writing is so personal. It's truly an insight to something deep within myself. Sometimes only when I write can I tap into the emotions I am feeling in a way that will allow for outward expression. On many occasions when I want to share my thoughts or feelings the words just get jumbled up inside and I can never seem to find a way to say what I mean and feel. I will admit, it is a weakness.
I do not have to write for an audience. No one has to read my thoughts. Even if no one else ever read these words they would still be just as important.