Sunday, June 1, 2008

"Nothing is worth completing if passion and thought are not present."

The sun has gone and the countryside has laid itself to sleep once again. I find myself restless in this dimly lit room, longing for something of substance to pour onto this page. It seems as if the weeks have slowed since the end of school and I can feel the beating of my heart once again. As if the blood has finally rushed back into my veins and my desire for depth and breadth has returned.

I have never appreciated the silence more--to finally have a moment to comprehend my heart-cries. They are many. It is in Christ that I lay them down behind me and continue on this journey. He teaches me daily that I must die to myself to have the ability to be alive in Him. Therefore, I consider all things loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Him and in return allowing Him to know me. To know and fight for my passions, my needs, and my desires. He will honor me as I honor Him. He is my constant, for that I am desperately thankful.