Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"A Time to Plant and a Time to Uproot"

It is true that we are in a constant state of change--that the only constant, unwavering being is God Himself. It should be of no surprise to us when a new change takes place. We should be fluid human beings, ones that are ready to make a change at a moments notice.

It is a great idea anyway, but luckily God did not create us in the robotic fashion that I spoke of above. No, He implanted emotion and desires. He gave us longing and memories. He created us to develop connections with our surroundings. Whether there is change happening all around us or change happening within, it comes with the challenge of leaving what you were and taking a leap of faith towards what is ahead. Whether it is good or bad or a little of both, change takes some obvious getting used to.

All this to say that this past year has been filled with seasons of change. Even today I find myself making yet another big transition in my life. I was recently offered a summer job at Falls Creek Youth Camp, a job I have done three summers before. Though I never expected to work there again I am looking forward to all God has for me.

This means a few different things. It means that in the next 2 and a half weeks I am packing up my apartment and putting my things in storage. It means that things are still up in the air for August and beyond, though most likely I would not be moving back to Chelsea. But most importantly it means that I am giving over my comfort and security to God and trusting that He will put me where I need to be to be most effective in service to Him.

This transition is not the easiest. I have loved being in Chelsea and being a part of the church family here but I know that just because my physical address might change it doesn't mean that I won't have a "family" here that loves me. It has been a blessing to be a part of this town but I am looking forward to serving Him this summer at camp.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" Ecclesiastes 3:1