As I am thinking about relationships and reflecting on the many people who have impacted my life I have come to realize that slow-growing relationships are much stronger than the relationship which blossoms quickly. It's a great deal like growing a garden of beautiful flowers. Some plant already blossomed flowers--enjoying their beauty, here, now in the present, only to watch them die shortly after planting them. Others, plant a flower bulb. They care for it, watering it and watching it grow, allowing it to take deeper root in the soil and slowly blossoming into a beautifully, vibrant flower. Though it seems like more work there is much more satisfaction in starting the growing process from the bulb.
I realize that in relationships I tend to fall in the instant satisfaction side. I want to see the results now instead of waiting months on end of caring and watching my relationship grow and blossom. Looking back on life though, I know for a fact that I have been so much more happier when I have taken it slow and cultivated my relationships.
The problem is putting this thought into action. I dislike this emotional stage of life, the in between of everything (or so it seems). I have to remind myself to wait on the Lord, knowing that when the time is right He will bring me sweet friendships.
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