I fear that I will never be able to adequately convey what has taken place in the last few weeks of my life. It is true that we are ever-changing--evolving as we learn, grow, fall and get back up. This state of change seems more pronounced in my life than perhaps ever before. As I survey my life, so much seems uncertain, unsteady. As my thoughts linger on the unknown, I stumble on the uneven foundation beneath my tired feet. I fear that I cannot take another step without falling, landing on my hands and knees. It is here that I rest, unable to stand on my own two feet--unable to walk. Then suddenly I am captivated, not by my failure, but by the indescribable beauty of the one who is bending down to pick me up. My Father--my gentle, loving Father. With concern in His eyes and a familiar quiet-passion in His expression, He picks me up. Gently He surveys my hurts, taking note of each one with care. Then He looks me in the eye--tears in His. He smiles a tender smile as He pulls me close to His chest. His steady breathing calms my spirit and quickly I find my weight resting on Him. Then as a father would rock his hurting child, my Father begins to sway with me in His arms. This, dear friend, is indescribable peace--one that can never be experienced outside of faith in the Father.
Without God I am--nothing, sinful, broken, prideful, ugly, selfish, lazy, flawed, self-absorbed, bitter, jealous, hateful. My God is everything, without sin, complete, humble, beautiful, selfless, disciplined, perfect, passionate about His children, forgiving, loving, kind. Praise God that as I come to Him, the sacrifice of Jesus covers me. All of the dark, unsightly stains are covered. All of the fear, failure, inability, impure thoughts--covered. Not only does He cover my past and my present but He has also covered my future mistakes. Praise be to Him!
It is true that in my humanity I will always fail. Praise God that I have forgiveness in Him. I may not know what tomorrow will bring. Praise God that He has gone before me.
...And just as a hurt little child trusts the familiar, comforting arms of their father--I trust You, Oh God.
It is true that in my humanity I will always fail. Praise God that I have forgiveness in Him. I may not know what tomorrow will bring. Praise God that He has gone before me.
...And just as a hurt little child trusts the familiar, comforting arms of their father--I trust You, Oh God.
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