Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"The Lord will Fight for you; you only need to be still" - Exodus 14:14

Today, I was reminded of something quite profound--The Lord will fight for me. And as I am joining in this prayer throughout the day, praying it over a sweet friend of mine I keep thinking--that's it. Right there in front of me, that's the point. If I allow Him to fight the fight, He will be there to do it.

Lately I've been flailing around through life looking in every direction for more of God--yearning, wanting, searching, for a more intimate, deeper relationship with Him--trying out several spiritual disciplines and finding little success in them in the long run. Sure, for immediate satisfaction they are great, but for the long term goal which drives my soul I have come up empty. Looking back, examining my walk I have to ask myself what am I doing wrong? The answer has become most utterly clear. I've been trying to do it on my own. I haven't been still in Him, sought His direction, or waited for Him to fight for me. No, I've been so narrow-minded looking to my goal, trying to get my plan into action--only to come up even more broken and lost than when I started.

So the question remains: when do I quit looking to myself for the answers and start looking to the Father? Don't get me wrong--working and being disciplined in my relationship with the Father is vital but sometimes I have to be still, reevaluate the "plan" and go from there.

"Sweet and Patient Abba, may I rest secure in You and Your plan and quit fighting for my own, knowing that Yours is a thousand times superior to mine. May I be still enough in You that I will hear Your still, soft direction. Guide my feet and speak through my lips. Show me how to lead in a way that honors Your name."