Monday, February 6, 2012

I Choose You.

Why is it that we recognize the necessity to keep up maintenance of our physical bodies but often neglect the maintenance of our spiritual bodies?  Last week I was talking with a friend in my office about the Lord and during our conversation she had an "ah ha" moment in which it clicked.  Just like we must shower, clip our nails, eat, drink, etc. we must also be intentional in maintaining and enhancing our spiritual lives.  It was fun to watch her as this concept sunk in.  So often we live in a way that causes us to think that there is little need for constant spiritual growth and reflection.  However, just like my lungs need oxygen and my body needs rest, my soul needs the Lord. 

Over the summer I was reflecting upon this and something clicked in my heart and mind. I realized that in order to quit being a permanent patron of life's spiritual roller coaster I had to make a conscious effort to choose God each and every day.  So often I have approached my relationship with the Father casually.  I would spend time finding what I "needed" and leave everything else behind.  My vending machine Jesus approach often left me feeling unfulfilled, alone and anxious.  It wasn't until I really grabbed ahold of the idea that I have the power to choose Christ each day that I really understood the depths of the Father.

Over the last several months I have found myself falling desperately in love with the Lord.  I cannot seem to get enough of Him, His Word and His calling in my life!  I am constantly in awe of His faithfulness, sovereignty and provision.  Yes, He has asked me to do some scary things in faith but every time I obey I am blown away by how He honors my obedience.

If there is anything to learn through all of this, know that your relationship with Christ is not casual.  You cannot approach the Kingdom with a bag of quarters and expect to be fulfilled by picking and choosing all your vending machine desires.  Be bold. Choose Christ.  Satan has NO POWER to sway you from the Father unless you let him.  The Lord is unchanging, He is waiting for you to come to Him and to give all yourself to Him.  I try to begin each day by consciously choosing the Lord.  Sometimes I audibly say "God I choose you today, I choose to be obedient to you, your calling and your plan.  Give me opportunities to glorify you." and other days I simply think of how my life is glorifying Him best.  Whatever you decide friend, I can tell you this, you will never regret choosing the Lord first.  Your obedience to Him will not return void.

"Most High God, may I honor you with my life.  Be glorified.  Let these words bring you praise, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."

1 comment:

AprilP said...

My favorite part: "...but every time I obey I am blown away by how He honors my obedience." This is SO amazingly true. Thanks for sharing your life with others, Dr.